Natural Deduction

Notation for the Uninitiated

Posted on 2020-04-06

Last updated on 04-27-2020

Updated: I’ve done a lot of work to simplify and clarify this post! If it stopped you in your tracks before, try again, and see if I’ve cleared some examples up!
Note: When you see math with a grey box around it, like “\(\texttip{ \bbox[3px, border:1px dotted grey] {\Gamma}} {Example}\)”, that means I’ve added hover-over text. I’ve been experimenting with how to make technical writing more accessible — I’d be curious if you find this hover-over text useful!
Note: I hope everyone is doing well during the COVID crisis. Here’s something to keep your minds busy and entertained while we all wait out the storm. Please be safe everyone!


Mathematical logic, despite being a bit obscure, gets used by a lot of other fields. A computer scientist, linguist, and philosopher could conceivably be reading something, and suddenly greeted by a mash of symbols like so

\[ \dfrac { \dfrac{ \dfrac{ \dfrac{}{A}u \quad \dfrac{}{B}w } {A \wedge B} \wedge_I } {B \to A \wedge B} \to_{I^w}} { A \to B \to A \wedge B } \to_{I^u} \]

The thing is, that same computer scientist, linguist, or philosopher could have just as likely never taken a course on formal logic before, and might have just audibly groaned out “oooh nooo”. They might not even know how to Google what the hell they’re looking at right now.

Well I’ll tell you what you’re looking at — that’s called a natural deduction proof, and it’s nothing you need to be afraid of.

This post is for anyone in one of these logic-adjacent fields (or anyone bored in COVID-Quarantine™) who might be new to this notation. We’ll cover:

  1. What natural deduction is for
  2. How to read it
  1. How to work with it
  2. The relation to lambda-calculus (for those who might care).

As always, skip over what you know, jump to what’s new, skim liberally — and this time I’ve included some exercises to play around with! Now let’s get to it!


It’s probably important to understand why natural deduction was invented, or we’d just be talking about some random symbols with no context. Natural deduction is a particular notation used in a field known as proof theory.

Proof Theory
At a high level, proof theory is the mathematical study of how we come to conclusions.
For example: what would cause one to conclude “the pope is catholic and water is wet”? Well, first you would need to conclude both “the pope is catholic” and “water is wet”. It sounds obvious, but the goal here is to break down the obvious to give us incite into the not-so-obvious.

So where does natural deduction fit into proof theory? Because proof theory is the mathematical study of conclusion-making, it is highly structured. Natural deduction is one of those structures, known as a formal proof system or a proof calculus.

Proof Calculus
A proof calculus is a set of rules that describe how one can go from a set of assumptions (called axioms) to some conclusion.
It is called “formal” because these rules are syntactic — that is, they only tell us how to move symbols around. We should be able to “mindlessly” read a formal proof, without making jumps of conclusions on our own.

Natural deduction, developed by the German mathematician Gerhard Gentzen in 1934, is what some might call “kinda a big deal”. It1 rendered older proof calculi2 totally obsolete and has really been the gold standard ever since.

Gentzen style systems can also be called structural/analytic proofs. Normally in math, you write a proof about some mathematical object. In a structural proof, the proof itself is a mathematical object. What the heck does that mean? We can ask questions like “is proof 1 equal to proof 2?” or “can proof 1 combine with proof 2?” Now we can study the proofs themselves.

It is this structural property that makes Gentzen systems useful for computer scientists, linguists, and philosophers. For today, though, all we really need to know is natural deduction is a formal system for studying how we come to conclusions.

Reading Natural Deduction

To read a natural deduction proof, we ultimately only need to know two things: what is a judgment, and what is an inference.

Judgment and Inference

A Judgment is anything that is knowable. A judgment \(\Gamma\) might be formal, such as \(A\) is true”, or informal, such as “Matha is in love”.

That is meant to be as vague as possible. You may want to judge the type of a program, the veracity of a mathematical statement, or the meaning of a sentence in Navajo.

The Inference Line
Let \(\Gamma\) and \(\Delta\) be judgements. We read \(\cfrac{\Gamma}{\Delta}\) as \(\Delta\) can be inferred from \(\Gamma\)”. \(\Gamma\) is referred to as the premise, \(\Delta\) as the conclusion, and the line as the inference line. There might be zero or more premises, and always one conclusion.

Now reading these trees becomes pretty easy! Remember, we are trying to capture the essence of what it means to draw a conclusion.

Proof Tree English Interpretation
\[ \cfrac{ \;A \quad B\; } { A \texttip{\bbox[3px, border:1px dotted grey]{\wedge}}{"and"} B} \] Premise: \(A\) is known and \(B\) is known.
Conclusion: \(A \wedge B\) can be concluded.

This is exactly our example from before! Let \(A\) be “the pope is Catholic” and \(B\) be “water is wet”. Because you know \(A\) and \(B\), you could conclude the sentence “the pope is Catholic and water is wet”.

Once we can read that example, you might see how we might stack these little proofs, to follow a longer “though process”.

Proof Tree English Interpretation
\[ \dfrac{\cfrac{ \;A \quad B\; } { A \wedge B } \quad C} {A \wedge B \wedge C} \] I know \(A\) and \(B\), and therefor could conclude \(A \wedge B\). Now I know \(A \wedge B\), but I also know \(C\). Finally I can conclude \(A \wedge B \wedge C\).

Introduction and Elimination

OK, now that we can read the “flow” of a natural deduction proof, we need to ask ourselves “what conclusions are legal?” This isn’t ’Nam, there are rules!

We will call those rules our introduction and elimination rules. The example we’ve been playing with so far revolves around the word “and” (which I’m going to refer to as conjunction). To explain what introduction and elimination rules are, why don’t we take a look at the rules for conjunction!

The introduction and elimination rules for conjunction. The symbol to the right of each inference line is the name of the rule being defined.
\(\cfrac{A \quad B} {A \wedge B} \wedge_I\) Introduction Rule
If I know \(A\) and \(B\), I may conclude \(A \wedge B\).
\(\cfrac{A \wedge B} {A} \wedge_{E1}\) Elimination Rule 1
If I know \(A \wedge B\), I may conclude \(A\).
\(\cfrac{A \wedge B} {B} \wedge_{E2}\) Elimination Rule 2
If I know \(A \wedge B\), I may conclude \(B\).

These three rules together define how conjunction works. In fact, every word/symbol/operator in our system will be defined by a set of rules. The introduction rules defined when we can add the word “and” into a conclusion (namely when we know two things). The elimination rules defined what simpler conclusions we can draw from a sentence with conjunction.

Some might find those elimination rules confusing, so let me give a very short English explanation.

Elimination Rule Explanation

Let’s say I told you “the pope is Catholic, and water is wet”. What could you conclude from that (other than I am clearly a conversational master)?

The answer is very little! You could, however, conclude “the pope is Catholic”. By doing that, we’ve “eliminated” the “and” part of the sentence, and are left with a simpler idea!

Alright, now it’s your turn!

Question: What are the Introduction Rules for disjunction?3 (Hint: there should be two).

\(\cfrac{A}{A \texttip{\bbox[3px, border:1px dotted grey]{\vee}}{and/or} B}\vee_{I1}\) Introduction Rule 1
\(\cfrac{B}{A \vee B}\vee_{I2}\) Introduction Rule 2

That is, simply knowing either \(A\) or \(B\) is sufficient for knowing \(A \vee B\).

For example, how could you come to the conclusion “the pope is Catholic or water is dry”? Well just knowing “the pope is Catholic” is enough!

Now what about the Elimination Rule for \(\vee\)? Can you come up with an English explanation of the rule? To write the rule down formally, we need one last bit of notation.


What’s missing is we have no way of working with “hypothetical situations”. Something like “if \(A\) were true (and I’m not saying it is), \(B\) would follow”.

A hypothetical premise \(\Gamma\) is written as so: \[ \cfrac{}{\Gamma} x\] Where \(x\) is a number unique for this hypothetical situation.

Now we can write down an Elimination Rule for disjunction!4

\[ \cfrac{A\vee B\quad\begin{array}[b]{c} \begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A}\scriptsize{1}\end{array} \\ \vdots \\ C \end{array}\quad\begin{array}[b]{c} \begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{B}\scriptsize{2}\end{array} \\ \vdots \\ C \end{array}}{C}\vee_{E^{1,2}} \]

Here’s that rule broken down into plain English.

   I know
I conclude
  1. \(A \vee B\)
  2. Hypothetically speaking, \(A\) leads me to \(C\).
  3. Hypothetically speaking, \(B\) leads me to \(C\).
\(C\) must be true.

And just to really make sure we’re all on the same page, here’s a concrete example.

Disjuction Elimination Example

What conclusion could I draw, if I knew “Simon is either the Pope, or he goes to church every week”? In this case, I don’t know if either half of this sentence alone is true.

But, I do know that, if he is the Pope, he’s religious. I also know that, if he goes to church every week, he’s religious.

Combining all three of these facts, I can conclude “Simon is religious”. It doesn’t matter whether he’s the pope or he goes to church — the conclusion is the same.

Now your turn!

Question: What are the Introduction and Elimination Rules for implication?5
(Hint: You should need only 1 of each)
(Hint: You might notice that hypotheticals are already a kind of implication)

\(\cfrac{\begin{array}[b]{c} \begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A}\scriptsize{1}\end{array} \\ \vdots \\ B \end{array}}{A \to B}\to_{I^1}\) Introduction Rule 1
\(\cfrac{A\to B \quad A}{B}\to_{E}\) Elimination Rule 1

In plain English:

Introduction: having a proof from \(A\) to \(B\) can demonstrate \(A \to B\).
Elimination: knowing \(A\) and \(A \to B\) can lead to \(B\).

Writing Simple Proofs

I think \(\wedge\), \(\vee\), and \(\to\) should be enough to test what we’ve learned.6 Let’s work through some example proofs. At each step, we can only use one of the introduction and elimination rules we’ve defined, relisted here:

Introduction and elimination rules for conjunction, disjunction, and implication.
\[\dfrac{A \quad B}{A \wedge B}\wedge_I\] \[\dfrac{A \wedge B}{A}\wedge_{E1}\]
\[\dfrac{A}{A \vee B}\vee_{I1}\] \[\dfrac{A \wedge B}{B}\wedge_{E2}\]
\[\dfrac{B}{A \vee B}\vee_{I2}\] \[\dfrac{A \vee B \quad \begin{array}[b]{c} \begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A}\scriptsize{x}\end{array} \\ \vdots \\ C \end{array} \quad \begin{array}[b]{c} \begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{B}\scriptsize{y}\end{array} \\ \vdots \\ C \end{array}} {C}\vee_{E^{x,y}}\]
\[\dfrac{\begin{array}[b]{c} \begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A}\scriptsize{x}\end{array} \\ \vdots \\ B \end{array}}{A \to B} \to_{I^x}\] \[\dfrac{A \quad A \to B}{B}\to_E\]

Each proof will take some starting point \(\Gamma\) to some conclusion \(\Delta\). I’ll write \(\Gamma \vdash \Delta\) to mean “use \(\Gamma\) to prove \(\Delta\)”. 7 Because I know not everyone can grock long chains of abstract symboles, I’ve added hoverover text to these examples, which will give you a concrete example, explaining what you are looking at.

Example 1: prove that \(A \to B,\; A \wedge C \vdash B\):

\[ \dfrac{\texttip{\bbox[3px, border:1px dotted grey]{\dfrac{A \wedge C}{A} \wedge_{E1}}}{I know "you are the pope and water is wet", and conclude "you are the pope"} \quad \texttip{\bbox[3px, border:1px dotted grey]{A \to B}}{If you are the pope, you are Catholic}} {\texttip{\bbox[3px, border:1px dotted grey]{B}}{Finally, I can conclude you are Catholic}} \to_E \]

Make sure that you can read that, and that every step is justified. For the next example, let’s look at something using a hypothetical judgment. Again, I’ve added a little bit of annotation, if it helps.

Example 2: prove that \(A \to B, \; B \to C \vdash A \to C\):

\[ \dfrac{ \dfrac{ \texttip{\bbox[3px, border:1px dotted grey]{\begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A}\scriptsize{1}\end{array}}}{If I were to assume you were the pope...} \quad \texttip{\bbox[3px, border:1px dotted grey]{A \to B}}{I know "if you are the pope, you are catholic} }{ \texttip{\bbox[3px, border:1px dotted grey]{B}}{I conclude you would be catholic (assuming you were the pope).} }\to_E \quad \texttip{\bbox[3px, border:1px dotted grey]{B \to C}}{I know "if you are catholic, you go to church".}} { \dfrac{ \texttip{\bbox[3px, border:1px dotted grey]{C}}{I conclude you would go to chruch (assuming you were the pope)} }{ \texttip{\bbox[3px, border:1px dotted grey]{A \to C}}{That means "if you are the pope, you go to church"} }\to_{I^1} }\to_E \]

Notice how the hypothetical \(\overline{A}^1\) gets used by the \(\to_{I^1}\). Every hypothetical must be eventualy used by some rule — otherwise we would just assume our goal and call it a day! A proof tree with an unaccounted-for hypothetical is an unfinished proof!8

Here are a few more exercises to try your hand at. When working through them, don’t be afraid to work backwards! You could write down the goal, and work your way to the assumptions, or vice versa.

Question 1: Prove \(A \wedge B,\; B \to C \vdash A \wedge C\)

\[ \dfrac{ \dfrac{A \wedge B}{A}\wedge_{E1} \quad\quad \dfrac{ \dfrac{A \wedge B}{B}\wedge_{E2} \quad B \to C}{C}\to_E} {A \wedge C} \wedge_I \]

Question 2: Prove \(A \to B,\; B \to C \vdash A \to (B \wedge C)\)

\[ \dfrac{ \dfrac{\begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A}\scriptsize{1}\end{array} \quad A \to B} {B}\to_E \quad\quad \dfrac{\dfrac{ \begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A}\scriptsize{1}\end{array} \quad A \to B } {B}\to_E \quad B \to C} {C}\to_E} {\dfrac{B \wedge C}{A \to (B \wedge C)}\to_{I^1}} \wedge_I \]

Note that here, we used one hypothesis \(\overline{A}^1\) twice; once to give use \(B\), and again to give us \(C\). It is, of course, only one hypothesis, even though it appears twice.

Question 3: Prove \((A \to B) \vee (A \to C) \vdash A \to (B \vee C)\)

\[ \dfrac{ (A \to B) \vee (A \to C) \quad \dfrac{\dfrac{\dfrac{\begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A \to B}\scriptsize{1}\end{array} \begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A}\scriptsize{2}\end{array}}{B} \to_E} {B \vee C} \vee_{I1}} {A \to (B \vee C)} \to_{I^2} \quad \dfrac{\dfrac{\dfrac{\begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A \to C}\scriptsize{3}\end{array} \begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A}\scriptsize{4}\end{array}}{C} \to_E} {B \vee C} \vee_{I2}} {A \to (B \vee C)} \to_{I^4} }{A \to (B \vee C)}\vee_{E^{1,3}} \]

Lambda Calculus

There are a glut of reasons why you might run into a natural deduction proof. Philosophers and linguists alike have been interested in trying to break down exactly how our reasoning processes seem to operate. Computer science’s tie to logic is rather obvious — often the semantics of programming languages are described in terms of natural deduction inferences, for example. And ever since Montague, Linguists have been using logic to model semantics, and the study of syntax can be just as formal and logical.

In each of these cases, there’s another formal tool, which is a bit more common place — the \(\lambda\)-calculus!9 And as it happens, natural deduction and the \(\lambda\)-calculus are more similar than meets the eyes!

There is this idea known as the Curry-Howard correspondence, which very loosely says one can convert between a proof and a program (meaning a lambda term, in this case). Here, I want to look at the most simple case of how this works, using only simply typed \(\lambda\)-calculus.

Simply Type Proofs

In simply typed \(\lambda\)-calculus we write \(x : A \to B\) to mean “the element \(x\) is of type \(A\) to \(B\)”. Well this “\(\to\)” is, in fact, the same “\(\to\)” we’ve been looking at in natural deduction!

Let’s take a pretty meaty example, and break it down together. It might take you a bit with a pen and paper to get it all, but don’t worry, you have all the time in the world! I won’t be giving a test.

Let’s start with two pre-defined terms \(M\) and \(N\).

\[ \begin{align*} &M: ((A \to B) \to C) \to D\\ &N: (A \to E) \to C\\ \end{align*} \]

Using only those two terms, can you write a lambda expression of type \((B \to E) \to D\)? Probably you can! But let me change the question…

Question: Prove

\[ ((A \to B) \to C) \to D,\; (A \to E) \to C) \vdash (B \to E) \to D \]

(Just a warning, this one is pretty tedious. )

\[ \dfrac{((A \to B) \to C) \to D \quad\quad \dfrac{(A \to E) \to C \quad\quad \dfrac{{\begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{B \to E}\scriptsize{x}\end{array}} \quad \dfrac{{\begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A\to B}\scriptsize{y}\end{array}} \quad {\begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A}\scriptsize{z}\end{array}}}{B}\to_E} {\dfrac{E}{A \to E}{ \to_{Iz}}}\to_E } {\dfrac{C}{(A \to B) \to C}{\to_{Iy}}}\to_E } {\dfrac{D}{(B \to E) \to D}{\to_{Ix}}}\to_E \]

I want to zoom into the upper-right part of this tree really quick (there’s nothing magical about it, I arbitrarily chose this sub-tree).

\[ \fcolorbox{blue}{white}{$ \dfrac{\fcolorbox{orange}{white}{$\dfrac{\begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{B \to E}\scriptsize{x}\end{array} \quad \fcolorbox{red}{white}{$\dfrac{\begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A\to B}\scriptsize{y}\end{array} \quad \begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A}\scriptsize{z}\end{array}}{B}\to_E$}} {E}\to_E$}} {A \to E} \to_{Iz} $} \]

I want to show how we can re-write this proof as a \(\lambda\)-term. I’m going to use the following rules:

  1. Every judgment \(\Gamma\) will be a term of type \(\Gamma\).
  2. Hypothetical judgments like \(\overline{A}^x\) will be unbound variables of that type (i.e. \(x:\;A\)).
  3. A tree using the \(\to_E\) rule will be converted to a function application. (i.e. \(\frac{A \to B \quad A}{B}\) would be \(f x: \; B\))
  4. A tree using the \(\to_I\) rule will be converted to a function abstraction, using the hypothesis as its variable.

Here’s what we end up with, with a little bit of color to make things clearer.

\[ {\color{blue} \overbrace{\color{black} \lambda z. {\color{orange} \underbrace{\color{black} x {\color{red} \overbrace{\color{black} (y z)}}}}}} : A \to E \]

You probably want to stare at that, and see how it lines up. Notice, for example, \(z\) must be of type \(A\), and corresponds to \(\overline{A}^z\).

We’ve converted a proof from assumptions to conclusions into a program from input to output. Implication introduction is the same as creating a function, and implication elimination is the same as function application!

Question: Can you convert the rest of this proof into a lambda term? For our starting assumptions, use the \(M\) and \(N\) terms we started with.

\[ {\color{red} \underbrace{\color{black} \lambda x. M ( {\color{orange} \overbrace{\color{black} \lambda y. N( {\color{blue} \underbrace{\color{black} \lambda z. x(y z)}})}})}}: (B \to E) \to D \]

Just for clarity, I’ve highlighted each lambda abstraction on the original proof.

\[ \dfrac{((A \to B) \to C) \to D \quad\quad \dfrac{(A \to E) \to C \quad\quad \dfrac{{\color{red}\begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{B \to E}\scriptsize{x}\end{array}} \quad \dfrac{{\color{orange}\begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A\to B}\scriptsize{y}\end{array}} \quad {\color{blue}\begin{array}[b]{c}\dfrac{}{A}\scriptsize{z}\end{array}}}{B}\to_E} {\dfrac{E}{A \to E}{\color{blue} \to_{Iz}}}\to_E } {\dfrac{C}{(A \to B) \to C}{\color{orange}\to_{Iy}}}\to_E } {\dfrac{D}{(B \to E) \to D}{\color{red}\to_{Ix}}}\to_E \]

For more practice, try converting the other exercises in this post! You’ll need to think a bit about how you might treat \(\wedge\) and \(\vee\), though…

Now if you’re thinking to yourself, “Tyler… it would have been way easier to just write the lambda terms without any of this gobbledygook.”

Yes, that might be true! But it works the other way, too!

You could write a lambda expression, and convert it back to a proof. The key takeaway here is judgments are types, and proofs are programs! I can tell we all have a little smoke coming out of our ears right now, so why don’t I just leave it at that.

If you’d like to learn more about the Curry-Howard correspondence, drop a comment! I’d be happy to flesh these ideas out more. In the meantime, though, I can point you all to some further resources.

Further Reading

I know this was a long post, but it was also very elementary. I just wanted to set people up to be able to access and understand other introductory resources on proof theory, natural deduction notation, and related things.

From here, I would highly recommend three resources

As always thanks for reading! Leave a comment with any questions you might have — I’d love feedback to improve this post!

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