Circular Programming

Posted on 2015-07-29

Remember how you felt the first time you saw a recursive function? Today I was reminded… My mentor at LANL (a true functional guru) wrote a bit of code using what he called “circular programming.” He, of course, figured it was no big deal, but it was more than my feeble little mind could take. Based on this Stack Overflow post, I made this little run-through on what’s going on, in order to test my own understanding.

The Problem

Let’s say I want to replace every element of a list with the minimum element of that list. The naive approach is to pass the list twice: once to find the minimum element, and another to replace every value with it. (Obviously there are better ways to do this, but bear with me… I want to start with an easy example).

How might we go about this with a single pass? If we were in C, the answer would be fairly simple (provided our list was an array of pointers to our elements): replace every pointer with a pointer to a common element, and store the minimum element in this common placeholder. I will show you a way in Haskell, using a very clever (and possibly existentially terrifying) trick called Circular Programming. Despite what some parts of the Internet will have you think, this has almost nothing to do with Arrows, so don’t worry. However it is conceptually identical to continuation passing style.

Two Functions, One Magic Trick

We start off with the magic… Try reading through this function.


trace :: (a -> c -> (b, c)) -> a -> b
trace f a = b
  where (b, c) = f a c

Do you feel uneasy? Let’s take a look at this where clause… where (b, c) = f a c. So we are saying that b and c are return values of f when f is applied to a and c. c is both a return value and a parameter of the function f! At first glance this might seem like a time travel paradox!

We’ll get back to this, but the hint for why this is possible is lazy evaluation. Don’t feel bad if this doesn’t make sense yet — we’re going to keep exploring


repminList' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a -> ([a], a)
repminList' [x] m = ([m], x)
repminList' (x:xs) m = let (replaced, m') = repminList' xs m
                       in (m : replaced, min x m')

Next we have repminList', which is actually doing the work. This function should be fairly understandable. The function gets a list xs and an element m, and returns a tuple. The first element is the list xs with every element replaced with m. The second element is the minimum element of xs.

Running in ghci:

 *Main> repminList' [1..10] 0
 ([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 1)

See, I’m not lying!


repminList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
repminList = trace repminList'

Finally repminList performs our task for us, by using our magical function trace and applying it to repminList'. Again, running in ghci we find:

*Main> repminList [1..10]

Ok. Think things over a bit, and see if you can understand how the system as a whole is working. Remember: the secret is lazy evaluation.


Some people seem to think of lazy evaluation as “Oh, the user needs the return value! Go run the function!” But what does it mean to “run a function” in Haskell? In lambda calculus we do not “run” lambda abstractions — we take applications, and apply \(\beta\)-reductions. \[ (x . T) :: y T[x := y] \] Of course, one can use a number of different reduction strategies in lambda calculus (e.g. full reduction, normal order, call-by-value, …); Haskell uses what’s known as call-by-need. In this evaluation strategy, an idea of aliasing is employed. So for any lambda term \(T\), applications such as \[ (x . x : x) :: T T_1 : T_2 \] result in \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) “referring” to the same value. So if at any reduction step \(T_1 T’\), then \(T_2 T’\) occurs at the same step. Call-by-need (or lazy-execution) is essentially creating a graph of how all names depend on each other. Typically, we call the vertices of this graph thunks. In Haskell each thunk knows its type, what data constructor created it, and the thunks of its components. Conceptually, Haskell definitions are creating an abstract syntax graph (as opposed to a tree); computations are traversals and reductions of this graph. (Note that I necessarily don’t mean this literally; I am no ghc expert, and could not tell you exactly what’s going on in the inner workings of Haskell. I simply mean conceptually.)

An Example

Let’s say we have xs = [1, 2, 3]. The ASG will look something like this:

So when we ask for the first element of a list xs in Haskell, this is what really happens:

  1. Inspect the xs thunk, and see what data constructor made it.
  2. Hopefully xs was constructed with the (:) constructor. The only other list constructor is [], which contains references to no other thunks.
  3. The (:) refers to two other thunks: the head and the tail.
  4. We can then return a reference to the head thunk.

So in order to calculate head xs, we only needed to “evaluate” two nodes: the list constructor, and its head. Consider if xs = [1, undefined, undefined]. head xs in this case would return the same result, even though there are undefined thunks in our ASG. In Haskell we can define even more bizarre structures. For instance, a typical representation of a term with type \(\) is let bot = bot.

If we ever want to evaluate bot, first bot must be evaluated. Therefore, if we were to ask for this value, our code will hang. Lazy execution is what lets us do dirty things like this. In general, whenever we have a cycle like this, we have the potential for our code to hang.

For some deeper look into lazy-evaluation, I suggest looking at this post or the haskell wiki.

Another Look at trace

Now that we have stronger background knowledge of Call-by-need, let’s go back to trace, the function which we have come to fear. Specifically (b, c) = f a c; this will test our understanding of lazy evaluation. Let’s re-write this function using better names than found in that Stack Overflow post, to try and appeal to intuition a bit more.

trace f init_thunk = ans_thunk
  where (ans_thunk, feedback_thunk) = f init_thunk feedback_thunk

We need to understand(b, c) = f a c is only asserting that the name c is bound in the above way. Specifically “f’s second returned value will be the same thunk as f’s second parameter.” By inspecting repminList [1..10], trace demands a value for b. In this case, b = [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c], where c is just that — whatever the value of c turns out to be. c itself has yet to be needed, and therefore yet to be evaluated. So b depends on the value of c, but not vice-versa, allowing our code not to hang. In the process of finding the value for b, repminList' has calculated the minimum element of the list, and bound that value back into c.

And that’s that! We walk through the list, making a new list with a common placeholder value (just like the C solution)! This all works because of the laziness. This technique allows a whole host of computations that would normally require multiple passes over a data-structure to be done in a single pass!

I strongly suggest playing with these functions to get a feel for what’s going on.


We are correct in thinking circular programming is actually related to recursion: it is, in fact, the dual to recursion! Richard Bird and Lloyd Allison were responsible for some of the early development of the technique “circular programming”, which would later be generalized into something known as corecursion. In recursion we take a big problem and break it down to it’s base cases. The idea behind corecusion is to start with the base cases, and build your data up. Corecursive algorithms produce small chunks of data, and then use them to make more complex (possibly infinite) data structures.

For a simple and cute example, let’s consider generating a stream of the Fibonacci numbers.

fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)

Instead of defining a function in terms of itself, we have defined data in terms of itself! It’s a pretty neat and useful idea. For more examples, I suggest reading the Wikipedia post for corecursion — it gives as good of a treatment on the subject as I could.

Parting Notes

That was a brief introduction to circular programming, lazy evaluation, and in general how to define data in terms of itself (corecursion). Please let me know what you think/are confused by! I wrote this not only to help my own understanding, but hopefully to help others!

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